The most
interesting thing just happened. I tried to post the following on the CNN
Facebook page where they are promoting a Ted Turner documentary about all his great
forget Ted Turner's greatest achievement. He married Hanoi Jane, a.k.a: Jane
Fonda, a traitor to this great nation. If you think I'm kidding, just Google
Hanoi Jane or ask a Vietnam Vet."
curious why CNN refuses to allow free speech on the FB page? Especially when
it's only the truth? Perhaps CNN prefers the company of traitors than that of
honest, decent Americans?
After several attempts to post this, I tried from my own FB page and now I can't post this information. It would seem that Facebook supports repression of free speech as well. Go figure?
Here's a link to what I assume is a US Marine Corps website that gives some accurate information.
Take it or leave it, we must never forget who supports this country and who does not.